Xero Item Code Character Count

Xero Item Code Character Count

Xero Item Code Field Length

Total character count that Xero supports for its inventory item code is 30.


The answer to this question is the very next field (Right beside the Item Code field) which supports up to 50 characters. However, this raises the same question that was raised above.


What if we have any item more than 50 characters?


So what to do when you want to enter any name more than 30 characters? Surely many of you guys give names to your inventory items which are more than 30 characters especially when it comes to Amazon SKUs. I’ve seen many SKUs way past 30/50 characters. Some of my clients have long item codes. It’s rare but it does happen.


So what to do in that case?


Well, in order to accommodate long names, there are two more fields that Xero provides. These are namely:

  1. Purchase Description (for my suppliers)
  2. Sales Description (for my customers)

As the names suggest, the purchase description appears on the bills that you might create in Xero whereas, the Sales Description shows up in the invoices. You can add unlimited numbers of characters in these fields.


So normally, one should use these fields to add a comprehensive description of their products.

As far using any third party apps to increase the character limits of the Item Code and Description field is concerned, the truth is that I don’t know of any such app as I believe that the issue, though significant but is not frequent at all.


I hope this small post helps you guys.



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