excel Solver Add In

How to Perform What-If Analysis Using Microsoft Excel Solver Add-In?

What is Microsoft Excel Solver Add-In?

Which Versions of Excel Provide the Solver Add-In?

How to Add Solver Add-in in Excel?

Must-Know Terminologies to Use the Excel Solver Add-in

Solver Add-In (Product Mix) Example:

Excel Solver Add in Product Mix Example

Final Thoughts…!

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  1. Hi,
    I think you didn’t set a crucial step when setting up this simplex solver: The total number of raw materials and the total number of labour hour used weren’t added up to meet the constraints.
    What you did was actually calculates individual category clothing under the constraints, not the aggregation one. Because your profit is added up of the three categories, and yet if one adds up the total used materials (B8:D8) and labour hours (B9:D9), one would find out that the numbers would have been 12500 (5000+5000+2500) and 30000 (10000+10000+10000) respectively, which obviously exceed the constraint numbers.
    I have calculated the aggregation scenario and the optimal result is to product the Child clothing exclusively as it is the most profitable, with the number being 2500 units. The bottleneck for this example is actually the labour hour, as the raw material is only consumed half, when the hours are used up.

    1. Hi Lukayl,

      I’ve modified the article after reviewing your input. I believe, now it represents Excel Solver Add In in the best possible manner.
      I value and appreciate your input in this regard.
      Thanks for contributing.

  2. Hi,

    Could you please help me to understand, how solver internally calculates the value.
    If I need to convert the existing solver calculation with any other tool, then I should have understanding of existing calculation.

    Thanks in advance!!


    1. Hi Deepak,

      Thanks for asking the question. No, you don’t need to have the understanding of how the calculates the value. However, can you please let me know what alternate tool are you talking about to perform the same calculations?

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